CC in the Media

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Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame

Lesbian Life Interviews C.C. Carter

CC Carter Honored by Eve Ensler and V-Day

Interview in The Reader

Palm Springs Women’s Jazz Festival

POW-WOW Provides Space for Women Poets

My Speech for Marriage Equality begins at 6:10 – click picture to view video

50 Black LGBTQ Winners Who Are Helping Others Win

 C. C. Carter, PoetOlivia Travel – From the blog of Professor Jenice Armstead

           PORT of CALL: Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos   Day 3

We finally made it to our first port, Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos on day 3 of our Olivia Travel cruise.  Talk about a phenomenal place, the water was indigo blue, the people were friendly and the weather was perfect.  After enjoying the beach and some light shopping, we went back to the ship and decided to grab a bit to eat.  We went to try a different grill when I ran into C.C. Carter.  C.C. Carter is a renowned poet who’s words embrace the spirit of women empowerment.  She grabbed me and said  “I need you to be one of my powerful curvy girls.”  I had no idea what she was talking about, but I agreed.  Who says no to C. C. Carter?  What C.C. wants she gets!  Before I knew it I found myself in the middle of a full figured women empowerment movement.  C.C. Carter preformed, while she preformed she wanted her “full figured” women to support her by strutting our stuff on a walk way by the stage she was on.  Talk about a once in a lifetime event.  In all this port call was fantastic.
 Carter’s poetry comes to us in the midst of chaos to give us self-styled home truths and juicy secrets .
Cheryl Clarke, Director of Diverse Community Affairs and Lesbian-Gay Concerns, Rutgers-New Brunswick

cc on olivia

C.C. Carter, a seasoned Chicago slammer, brought the house down with, “The Herstory of My Hips”, a diva inspired ode to big-bottomed girls everywhere. 

Wendy Johnson – The Washington Blade

Next up, spoken word artist CC Carter began to move her body as her background music started and her words spread over the crowd like warm butter.  She crooned sweet molasses, gently stroking the topics of women and age and race body image and love and sexuality.  She hit every nail on the head leaving the women in the room howling in unison like we’d all shared one big orgasm. By Shann Carr | Published: April 04, 2014 – The Gay Desert Guide


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