G.O.D.D.E.S.S. Nation

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G.O.D.D.E.S.S. Nation is our little piece of the universe where we (women) come to get centered in our bodies.  It’s a place to inhale and exhale being present through times of stress, anxiety, trauma and isolation.

It is my gift to you – The Gift of Divine Dance Expressing Sacred Self.

I wanted to create a class for when of all sizes, shapes, ethnicity, race, of various faiths and non. In this work, I have found particularly for women of color in the south, the notion of Goddess work has traditionally  not included us nor taken into consideration the deep spiritual influence that christian faith has played in our history.

G.O.D.D.E.S.S. was created to include contemporary approaches, music and physical movements in an effort to merge thousand year old traditions of Goddess, women’s circles and rituals, but allows for women to move at their own pace both physically and emotionally on how to bring women’s energy and healing practices into their bodies without clashing against core values of spiritual faith and values.

So let’s take this journey together… enjoy your travels into becoming present

Blogging This Body Present

Writing This Body Present

Curvealicious Crew